Old Yeller

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Old Yeller ★★★½ 1957 (G)

Disney Studios' first and best boy-and-his-dog film, set in Texas in 1969. 15-year-old Travis Coates (Kirk) is left in charge of the family farm while dad Jim (Parker) is away on a cattle drive. When his younger brother Arliss (Corcoran) brings home a stray dog, Travis is displeased but lets him stay. Yeller saves Travis's life, but contracts rabies in the process. Keep tissue handy, especially for the kids. Strong acting, effective scenery—all good stuff. Based on the novel by Fred Gipson. Sequel “Savage Sam” released in 1963. 84m/C VHS, DVD . Dorothy McGuire, Fess Parker, Tommy Kirk, Kevin Corcoran, Jeff York, Beverly Washburn, Chuck Connors; D: Robert Stevenson; W: Fred Gipson, William Tunberg; C: Charles P. Boyle; M: Oliver Wallace.

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