Dalberg, Johann Friedrich Hugo

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Dalberg, Johann Friedrich Hugo

Dalberg, Johann Friedrich Hugo , German pianist, composer, and writer on music; b. Aschaffenburg, May 17, 1760; d. there, July 26, 1812. He studied theology, and became a canon in Trier; was also counsellor to the Elector of Trier at Coblenz. He traveled in Italy (1775) and England (1798), and also gave private concerts as a pianist. Although he was not a professional musician, his compositions and particularly his writings reveal considerable musical culture. He publ. many vocal works, including songs to Eng. and Fr. texts. He set to music Schiller’s Ode an die Freude (1799). In addition to the publs. listed below, he also tr. Jones’s The Musical Modes of the Hindus (1802).


Blicke eines Tonkünstlers in die Musik der Geister (Mannheim, 1787); Vom Erfinden und Bilden (Frankfurt am Main, 1791); Untersuchungen über den Ursprung der Harmonie (Erfurt, 1800); Die Äolsharfe, Ein allegorischer Traum (Erfurt, 1801); etc.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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