Association for Psychological Science

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Association for Psychological Science

1133 15th St. NW, Ste. 1000
Washington, DC 20005
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APS Student Grants (Graduate, Undergraduate/Grant)

Purpose: To provide financial support for APS students for their research currently in early development. Focus: Psychology. Qualif.: Applicant must be an APS undergraduate or graduate student. Criteria: Recipients are selected based on committee's review of the proposal.

Funds Avail.: $500 per graduate student and $300 per undergraduate student. Number Awarded: 3 for graduate student and 2 for undergraduate student. To Apply: Applicant must submit a cover letter; project summary; and review board approval. Submit through E-mail at [email protected], with a subject, APSSC Student Grant Submission except the Review Board Approval, or mail to Ewa J. Szymanska Department of Psychology University of Pennsylvania 3720 Walnut Street, Solomon Lab Bldg. Philadelphia, PA 19104. Deadline: November 1. Contact: Ewa J. Szymanska [email protected].

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    Association for Psychological Science