International Food Service Executives Association

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International Food Service Executives Association

2609 Surfwood Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Ph: (702)430-9217
Fax: (702)430-9223
Free: 800-893-5499

IFSEA Worthy Goal Scholarships (Four Year College, Two Year College/Scholarship)

Purpose: To provide assistance to deserving individuals intending to receive food service management or vocational training beyond the high school level. Focus: Food service careers. Qualif.: Applicant must be enrolled or accepted as a full time student in a Food Service-related major at a 2 or 4 year college or university for the fall term following the

award. Criteria: Recipient is chosen based on merit as reviewed by the IFSEA Scholarship Committee.

Funds Avail.: $100,000 (total scholarships). To Apply: Applicant must provide a summary of projected 1-year expenses and income/fundraising beginning with the fall semester or a summary of financial statement; a statement (maximum of 500 words) on personal background focusing on aspects regarding food service and future goals; documentation of work experience, student organizations, transcript of grades, three letters of recommendation, and a statement (maximum of 250 words) on how receiving the scholarship would help you in reaching the goals you have set for yourself. Forward complete application package to: Worthy Goal Scholarship Application, c/o Local IFSEA Branch or IFSEA HQ, 2609 Surfwood Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89128. Applicants may visit website for further information and instructions. Deadline: Feb 1.

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International Food Service Executives Association

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    International Food Service Executives Association