International Society of Air Safety Investigators

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International Society of Air Safety Investigators

107 E Holly Ave., Ste. 11
Sterling, VA 20164

Ph: (703)430-9668
Fax: (703)430-4970
E-mail: [email protected]
Ph: (703)430-9668
Fax: (703)430-4970
E-mail: [email protected]

The ISASI Rudolf Kapustin Memorial Scholarships (Undergraduate/Scholarship)

Purpose: To encourage and assist college-level students interested in the field of aviation safety and aircraft occurrence investigation. Focus: Aviation. Qualif.: Applicant must be a member of ISASI enrolled as full-time student in a recognized education program, which includes courses in aircraft engineering and/or operations, aviation psychology, aviation safety or aircraft occurrence investigation, etc., with major or minor subjects that focus on aviation safety/investigation. Criteria: Scholarship Fund Committee will review submitted materials.

Funds Avail.: $1500. To Apply: Applicants must submit a the application form and a 1000 word paper in English addressing “the challenges for air safety investigators”. Paper must be countersigned by applicant's tutor/academic supervisor as authentic, original work.

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International Society of Air Safety Investigators

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    International Society of Air Safety Investigators