International Spiritualist Alliance

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International Spiritualist Alliance

The International Spiritualist Alliance is a Canadian-based international Spiritualist church founded for the purpose of bringing brotherhood and unity to Spiritualists worldwide. It has succeeded in bringing congregations in Canada, the United States, and Great Britain together. The alliance operates out of a loose fellowship association. Members accept seven affirmations concerning the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, the immortality of the soul, communion with the departed, personal responsibility, compensation for good and evil, and the eternal progress of the soul. These affirmations are set within a general Christian theology that accepts God as the loving creator and Jesus as the Lord incarnated for the salvation of humanity. Perfected in suffering, Jesus became Lord and Christ. The church is headed by the Rev. Beatrice Gaulton Bishop of Vancouver, British Columbia. Current address unavailable.

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International Spiritualist Alliance

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