© Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes 2007, originally published by Oxford University Press 2007.
Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes Oxford University PressZeebrugge
•dogger, flogger, Hoggar, hogger, jogger, logger, slogger, Wagga Wagga•brolga, Olga, Volga•conga, conger, donga, Rarotonga
•pettifogger • footslogger
•cataloguer (US cataloger)
•auger, augur
•ogre, Saratoga, toga, yoga
•beluga, cougar, Kaluga, Kruger, Luger
•sugar, Zeebrugge
•bugger, hugger, lugger, mugger, plugger, rugger, slugger, Srinagar, tugger
•mulga, vulgar
•hunger, sangha, Younger
•scandalmonger • scaremonger
•warmonger, whoremonger
•ironmonger • hugger-mugger
•costermonger • Málaga
•Berger, burger, burgher
•hamburger • beefburger
•cheeseburger • Limburger
•Vegeburger • Erzgebirge
Copyright The Columbia University Press
The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University PressZeebrugge
Zeebrugge (zā´brŭ´gə), outer port of Bruges (Brugge), West Flanders prov., NW Belgium, on the North Sea. Zeebrugge was developed c.1900 to replace the silted-up port of Bruges; it is connected to Bruges by a 6-mi (9.7-km) canal (opened 1907). Zeebrugge has coke and glass factories and oil-storage facilities. It is connected with Harwich, England, by a rail ferry. Used as a German submarine base in World War I, its harbor was sealed (Apr., 1918) by a British naval force under Roger J. B. Keyes.