Buchholz, Carl August°
BUCHHOLZ, CARL AUGUST ° (1785–1843), German lawyer and author. A champion of Jewish civil rights, Buchholz was an admirer of Moses *Mendelssohn's philosophy. He was appointed by the Jewish communities of *Luebeck, *Hamburg, and *Bremen as their representative at the Congress of *Vienna (1815), the conference of Aachen (1818), and at the Diet of Frankfurt. In 1815 he published a collection of laws regarding the improvement of the status of the Jews issued by various German principalities and states (Aktenstuecke, die Verbesserung des buergerlichen Zustandes der Israeliten betreffend), with a foreword which is considered one of the best pleas for Jewish emancipation written in that period by a gentile. He advocated uniform all-inclusive legislation for the Jews in all German states.
J.M. Kohler, Jewish Rights at the Congress of Vienna… (1918), index; S. Baron, Die Judenfrage auf dem Wiener Kongress (1920), index; S. Carlebach, Geschichte der Juden in Luebeck… (1898), 63ff.; H. Spiel, Fanny von Arnstein (1962), 437–49; Graetz, Hist, 5 (1949), 468, 472.