Mulder, Elisabeth (1904–1987)

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Mulder, Elisabeth (1904–1987)

Spanish novelist and poet. Name variations: Elisabeth Mulder Pierluisi; Elisabeth Mulder de Dauner. Born Elisabeth Mulder Pierluisi, 1904, in Barcelona, Spain, of a South American mother and Dutch-born father; died Nov 28, 1987, in Barcelona; married Ezequiel Dauner, 1921 (died 1931).

Works, often about an impossible love, include Crepúscolo de una ninfa (1942), Preludio de la muerte (1946), and Luna de la máscaras (1958); was also a translator; said to have had a fleeting but passionate relationship with Ana Maria Sagi, poet, journalist and national champion in the javeline throw, who helped launch the women's sports movement in Barcelona (1932).

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