Guggenheim, Paul
GUGGENHEIM, PAUL (1899–1977), Swiss jurist and authority on international law. Born in Zurich, Guggenheim became head of the Institute of International Law at the University of Kiel in 1927. Guggenheim became a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague in 1951 and judge ad hoc of the International Court of Justice in 1955. He represented a number of countries before The Hague court and also acted as arbitrator in many international disputes. He wrote extensively on subjects relating to international law. His books include Lehrbuch des Voelkerrechts (2 vols., 1948–51) and Traitéde Droit international public (2 vols., 1953–54; second edition of the first volume, 1967). Guggenheim was president of the Central Committee of the Swiss community from 1944 to 1950. He wrote many scholarly articles on matters of Jewish interest such as Zionism, Palestine, Jewish postwar problems, minority rights, Swiss Jewish history (the first short history published), heirless property left in Switzerland, and the Jewish refugee problem. In 1960, he was elected president of the World Federation of the United Nations Association and in 1964 became its honorary president.
add. bibliography:
J. Picard, Die Schweiz und die Juden 1933–1945 (1994), index; P. Guggenheim, Zur Geschichte der Schweizer Juden (1934); idem, "Die erblosen Vermoegen in der Schweiz und das Voelkerrecht," in: Schweiz. Isr. Gemeindebund (ed.), Festschriftzum 50-jährigen Bestehen (1954), 107–120; Israelitisches Wochenblatt, 36 (Sept. 9, 1977), 71.
[Veit Wyler/
Uri Kaufmann (2nd ed.)]