Canadian Society of Questers

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Canadian Society of Questers

The Canadian Society of Questers is an organization dedicated to the study of what is popularly called dowsing, the natural abilities some have demonstrated to locate water, mineral deposits, and other items. The society was founded in 1979 in Vancouver, and most of its members hail from western Canada. The society seeks to correlate the philosophical and metaphysical deductions concerning their art (and related fields such as radiasthesia ) with modern scientific findings. It also seeks to discover the means of developing the human sensing capabilities (both mental and physical) that allow dowsing to occur and to disseminate that knowledge. To carry out its goals, the society facilitates instructions of individuals and the public on matters related to parapsychology and the paranormal element in life.

The programs of the society have dealt with a wide range of topics. Questing is the name given to the key task of seeking for things loststolen goods, missing persons, misplaced objects, etc. Divining concerns the search for water and minerals, searching for ley lines, and locating ancient ruins. Radiasthesia uses some of the same abilities in healing endeavors.

Formed at about the same time as the Society of Questers was the Canadian Society of Dowsers. It is based in Ontario from where it draws most of its members. It has similar aims and programs as the Society of Questers and as the new millennium began, the two groups were engaged in discussions looking for a merger. The Ontario group has chapters in Hamilton, Ottawa, and Kingston.

The Canadian Society of Questers can be contacted at P. O. Box 4873, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 4A6. It publishes a quarterly journal, The Quester.

The Canadian Society of Dowsers may be contacted in c/o Klaus Stalschuss, 173 Plymouth Rd., Kitchner, ON, Canada N2G 3G7. It has an Internet page at


Canadian Society of Dowsers. May 20, 2000.

Canadian Society of Questers. May 20, 2000.

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Canadian Society of Questers

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