American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR)
American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR)
Founded in 1885 in Boston, Massachusetts, on the initiative of Prof. W. F. Barrett. Its initial officers included president Prof. Simon Newcomb; secretary N. D. C. Hodges; and, four vice-presidents, Profs. Stanley Hall, George S. Fullerton, Edward C. Pickering, and Dr. Charles S. Minot. Those involved in the controversial field found it difficult to maintain support, even with renowned advocates such as Harvard Psychologist and Professor of Philosophy, William James, a member of the illustrious Boston family that included his brother, novelist Henry James. In 1889, for financial considerations, then-president S. P. Langley affiliated the ASPR to the English Society for Psychical Research. The research work of the American Society for Psychical Research was conducted by Dr. Richard Hodgson from 1887 until his death in 1905. The society, never strong, was dissolved the following year. It continued as a branch of James Hervey Hyslop 's American Institute for Scientific Research, and was the only active part of Hyslop's institute to develop a program.
When Hyslop died in 1920, the ASPR regained its independent status. Dr. Walter Franklin Prince became the society's director of research and editor of its publications. He carried on a variety of investigations prior to his observations of Mina S. Crandon, better known as "Margery." The ASPR board was strongly behind Margery; but Prince believed her to be a fraud. When J. Malcolm Bird, former assistant editor of the Scientific American and author of several items favorable to Margery, was appointed co-research officer with Prince in 1925, Prince was infuriated. He resigned along with other disaffected members, including Gardner Murphy, William McDougall, Elwood Worcester, and Lydia Allison. Together this group founded the rival Boston Society for Psychic Research.
Bird served as research officer for the ASPR, but suddenly resigned from his position in 1930. Later it came to light that he had second thoughts on Margery. Bird had submitted a confidential report to the board suggesting that Margery had approached him to become a confidant in producing some phenomena for magician Harry Houdini. Subsequently, Bird disappeared along with his last manuscript on Margery. He was succeeded by B. K. Thorogood (1930-39).
Following the merger of the Boston SPR back into the ASPR in 1941, George Hyslop, the son of J. H. Hyslop, became president. Since 1925 he had been a lone voice decrying the slippage of research standards. Hyslop demanded the full exposure of Margery's fraudulent activity. He reestablished the standards demanded during his father's years of leadership He was succeeded by Gardner Murphy, who served as president of the ASPR for 20 years. Murphy, a distinguished psychologist, was a dominating figure, who brought new prestige to the organization and recruited talented researchers to carry out its program. During this period, laboratory parapsychology as developed by J. B. Rhine at Duke University emerged as the cutting edge of psychic investigations. The Parapsychology Association was established (1957) as the major professional association for scholars engaged in psychic research.
By the end of the twentieth century the ASPR remained one of the most stable organizations in American psychic research and the organizational home of many leading people in the field, including Gertrude Schmeidler, Rhea White, and Karlis Osis. Publication of the society's Journal and Proceedings commenced in 1907 and have remained in publication without interruption.
The nonprofit society located in New York City exists "to advance the understanding of phenomena alleged to be paranormal: telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and related occurrences that are not at present thought to be explicable in terms of physical, psychological and biological theories." In the years following World War II, the society's concern stayed focused on the need to integrate subjects such as paranormal phenomena with a wide range of behavioral and physical sciences. This has demanded major revisions of theoretical constructs. In addition to laboratories and offices, the ASPR is home to a unique library and archives. The resources include over 10,000 volumes, over 300 periodicals, and publications in over 14 languages. Rare books, case reports, letters and manuscripts, with some material dating back to the 18th century enhances the collection.
The ASPR has an active research department and houses a large library for the members use. Membership includes the ASPR Newsletter and The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, which are issued quarterly; information services and access to the research library and archives. In addition, the society provides special events including lectures, symposia and meetings held at the headquarters around the country. There are no special requirements for membership. The society welcomes members of the general public, as well as professionals, active researchers, and students. Membership does not imply acceptance of any particular phenomena. Address: 5 W. 73rd St., New York, New York 10023. Website:
American Society for Psychical Research, Inc. April 11, 2000.
Berger, Arthur S., and Joyce Berger. The Encyclopedia of Parapsychology and Psychical Research. New York: Paragon House, 1991.
Moore, R. Laurence. In Search of White Crows. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.
Rogo, D. Scott. Parapsychology: A Century of Inquiry. New York: Dell, 1975.